Celestial Intervention. Development Blog.5

Development update

- Inventory System Overhaul. Inventory, items, and the way they are realized within the game have been an important element of development since its start. The system has now reached a point where it is perfect and there is no reason to change it on the horizon:

  1. We`ve returned to a personal inventory for each object or character that can contain items;
  2. Code performance is faster even now. In the future it will be even more noticeable compared to the old inventory system;
  3. Inventory sorting is many times faster;
  4. More interaction with the inventory, for example - abilty to use items directly from it;

- Item Rebalancing. The public update hasn't released yet, but test runs of the developers' build have revealed that some items are proving to be too strong and breaking some mechanics:

  1. The food became less nutritious. The balance used to be based on the fact that one day's work would necessarily feed the player character for 30 hours. This system had to be abandoned because of the availability of food in the first place. A player can manage to do several things in a day (e.g. work in a tavern and beg on the street);
  2. Added a multiplier from eating in designated areas. Such as taverns, dining rooms, etc. Food eaten outside will restore the standard amount of satiety, which is actually now very little. When starving to death and urgently need to eat, no problem. You want to be fully satiated, eat where you're supposed to;
  3. Items have weight. Read more below;
  4. Storage space makes a lot of sense. In the game world, it has become quite easy to lose your character's belongings. Including coins;
  5. Storytelling has been changed. Read more below;

- Weight of items. From the proposed community ideas (itch @EponymousKay). Bottomless inventory easily removes the need to use storage for your belongings. Even if you lose everything, you can easily load an old save and try again. Items now have their own weight, and the character has a carry weight limit:

  1. The real or approximate weight of the items is taken as the basis. This is the best way to avoid bad balance at the moment;
    1. the weight of food and many ingredients has been reduced from the original real values.
  2. Coins have become objects and so have their weight;
    1. coins are presented only in the form of copper coins;
    2. the copper/silver/gold calculation system remains in the currency format;
    3. 1g is taken as the weight of each coin;
      1. 100g every silver in the currency rate. 1kg each gold in currency rate;
      2. the reason these weights are chosen is that 100g of copper is commensurate with the amount of silver used to create a silver coin. the same logic applies to gold as well. in the game world!!!
  3. The balance of carried weight and its dependence on char stats is not ready yet.
    1. despite the lack of a finished balance, it's already known that outweighing will simply reduce character health and impose a timed status.
      1. when moving between locations, [3+each kg of overweight] will be taken away from the character's hp;
      2. no defense modifiers will affect the damage from outweighing;
      3. overweighting will not affect actions within the same location, allowing the player to conveniently move items around;
      4. overweight statuses will affect the character's stats temporarily reducing them. endurance and strength will be affected;
      5. the balance math isn't ready yet, but each move through the location will add time to the timer depending on the amount of overweight you do.

- Rollback disabled. Some events in the game story have a dependency on the falling out of random values. To preserve the balance and immersiveness of the story, the rollback feature has been disabled;

under review

- Saves Rebalance. Limiting saves is being discussed. The point of the whole idea is very similar to what was done in kingdom come deliverance, where saves are only possible when resting and using a limited item. Again, for balance and some challenge in the game.

Story update

- Causham developed even more. The structure of the city government and several sets of laws (city legislation, commercial law, tax law, and labor law) are laid out. All of this is now being carried over to the in-game books;

- The structure of the first act quests has been done. Now all dialogs are being written out;

- The game world has been developed more. Towbiglia Kingdom got its own cities and routes;

- Along with the rest, several books are also being created that will reveal the lore of the world;

- A structure for religions is being developed:

  1. Third High Beliefs is being developed first.

- A few more moments are developed. (e.g. gambling, ship classifications, etc.);

Graphic update

- Added loading screen. Launching the game will no longer greet the player with emptiness. While all the necessary scripts are being loaded, a loading screen will appear showing the actual loading progress;

- Sprites for key characters are being drawn at the moment;

- Icons for items are in development. (not guaranteed).

I can finally say that the technical development of the game is almost complete. The time to develop the plot, stories and stuff is getting more and more every day. Technically, the game works perfectly, just as it was originally intended. I and others involved in the development can now confidently state that the intended mechanics can be implemented without any problems

Thanks to everyone who just follows the project. Thanks to everyone who has played 0.04a. Thanks to everyone who donated. I'll try to keep you updated on the development as often as possible


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